Holistic Degrees & Course Programs
BN-101 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
BN-102 | PhytoChemicals & Nutrition |
BN-103 | Biological Concepts of Enzymes & Nutrition |
BN-104 | Humans’ Natural Biological Diet |
BN-105 | Physiology: Introduction |
BN-106 | Advanced “Applied” Nutrition |
BN-107 | Neuro Biology of Faith: Introduction |
BN-108 | Advanced Neuro Biology of Beliefs |
BN-109 | Advanced Holistic Nutriton II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
BN-110-E | The Nature of Spirituality(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
MN-101 | Raising Children Naturally |
MN-102 | Advanced Nutrition I |
MN-103 | Advanced Nutrition II |
MN-104 | Superior Foods & Nutrition |
MN-105 | Advanced Natural Lifestyles & Philosophies |
MN-106 | Essay: Herbology |
MN-107 | Neuro Physiology of Beliefs: Introduction |
MN-108 | Advanced Neuro Physiology of Beliefs |
MN-109-E | Spiritualizing through a Good Physical Conscience® (Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
DN-101 | Maximum, Body Energy & Energy Healing Concepts |
DN-102 | Psychoneuroimmunology: Introduction |
DN-103 | Advanced Natural Health & Healing I |
DN-104 | Advanced Natural Health & Healing II |
DN-105 | Nutritional Counseling Practice: The Legal Requirements & Responsibilities of a Nutritional Practitioner: Part I & II |
DN-106 | Doctorate’s Thesis or Sports Nutrition & Physiology |
DN-107-E | The Mind of the Spirit (Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
BNH-101 | PsychoPhysiology |
BNH-102 | Neuro Biology of Faith: Introduction |
BNH-103 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
BNH-104 | Natural Health: Introduction |
BNH-105 | Physiology: Introduction |
BNH-106 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
BNH-107-E | Biotic Laws of Life: Introduction(Optional) |
BNH-108 | Biological Concepts of Enzymes & Nutrition |
BNH-109 | Advanced Natural Lifestyles & Philosophies |
BNH-110 | Advanced “Applied” Nutrition |
BNH-111 | Advanced Neuro Biology of Beliefs |
BNH-112-E | Essay: Review of the Bachelor Degree Program (Optional) |
BNH-113-E | Spiritualizing Through a Good Physical Conscience® (Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
MNH-101 | Raising Children Naturally |
MNH-102 | Neuro Physiology of Beliefs: Introduction |
MNH-103 | Nature of Human Physiology |
MNH-104 | Superior Foods & Nutrition |
MNH-105 | Advanced Behavioral Kinesiology |
MNH-106 | Phytochemical Composition of Foods & Nutrition |
MNH-107 | Advanced Natural Hygiene: Part I & II |
MNH-108 | Advanced Nutrition I |
MNH-109 | Advanced Nutrition II |
MNH-110-E | Essay: Herbology(Optional) |
MNH-111 | Advanced Neuro Physiology of Beliefs |
MNH-112-E | Master Degree Dissertation (Optional if enrolling in the Ph.D. Program) |
MNH-113-E | The Nature of Spirituality(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
DNH-101 | Behavioral Science of Disease |
DNH-102 | Maximum, Body Energy & Energy Healing Concepts |
DNH-103 | Fasting: The Spiritual Art of Restoring & Preserving Health |
DNH-104 | Psychoneuroimmunology: Introduction |
DNH-105 | Advanced Natural Health & Healing I |
DNH-106 | Advanced Natural Health & Healing II |
DNH-107 | Natural Health Counseling Practice: The Legal Requirements & Responsibilities of a Natural Health Practitioner: Part I & II |
DNH-108 | Doctorate’s Thesis or Sports Nutrition & Physiology |
DNH-109-E | The Mind of the Spirit(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
BND-101 | PsychoPhysiology |
BND-102 | Physiology: Introduction |
BND-103 | Advanced Holistic Nutriton I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
BND-104 | Advanced Natural Lifestyles & Philosophies: Part I & II |
BND-105 | Raising Children Naturally |
BND-106 | Nature of Human Physiology |
BND-107 | Advanced Nutrition I |
BND-108 | Advanced Nutrition II |
BND-109 | Advanced Applied Nutrition |
BND-110 | Neuro Biology of Faith: Introduction |
BND-111 | Advanced Neuro Biology of Beliefs |
BND-112 | Advanced Holistic Nutriton II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
BND-113-E | The Nature of Spirituality(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
This Program is a prerequisite for the N.D./Ph.D.
in Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition Degree Program.
DHNN-101 | Advanced Behavioral Science of Disease |
DHNN-102 | Maximum Body Energy & Energy Healing Concepts |
DHNN-103 | Fasting: The Spiritual Art of Restoring & Preserving Health |
DHNN-104 | Psychoneuroimmunology: Introduction |
DHNN-105 | Advanced Natural Health & Healing I |
DHNN-106 | Advanced Natural Health & Healing II |
DHNN-107 | Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition Counseling Practice: The Legal Responsibilities & Requirements of a Holistic Practiioner: Par I & II |
DHNN-108 | Essay: Herbology |
DHNN-109 | Neuro Physiology of Beliefs: Introduction |
DHNN-110 | Advanced Neuro Physiology of Beliefs |
DHNN-111 | Doctorate Thesis or Sports Nutrition & Physiology |
DHNN-112-E | The Mind of the Spirit(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
The B.A./M.A. in Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition
is a prerequisite for this Ph.D. Program.
CNHP-101 | Humans’ Natural Biological Diet |
CNHP-102 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) (also can be referred to as the Bible Diet) |
CNHP-103 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) (also can be referred to as the Bible Diet) |
CNHP-104-E | The Mind of the Spirit(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
CHNP-101 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) (also can be referred to as the Bible Diet) |
CHNP-102 | Advanced Natural Lifestyles & Philosophies |
CHNP-103 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) (also can be referred to as the Bible Diet) |
CHNP-104-E | The Mind of the Spirit (Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
CNH-HNP-101 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
CNH-HNP-102 | Advanced Natural Lifestyles & Philosophies |
CNH-HNP-103 | Advanced “Applied” Nutrition |
CNH-HNP-104 | Humans’ Natural Biological Diet |
CNH-HNP-105 | Advanced Holistic Nutrition II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet plan which is rich in alkaline foods eaten) |
CNH-HNP-106-E | The Mind of the Spirit(Optional) |
Elective marked: ” — E.” is suggested but NOT required for the Program.
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Philosophies & Practices at the University & College of Natural Health
The University, Colleges and Schools of Natural Health and Nutrition™ provide elite Holistic Nutritionist Courses in the philosophy of Holistic Nutrition, based on the Acid Alkaline Balance for optimum health. We are also the elite Natural Healing College Healers of the world.
Graduates can become Board Certified Nutritionists through our Nutritionist Course Online Program.
As a University and Natural Health College, we define Hygienic Natural Health & Nutrition as a principled, doctrinal belief system in the restoration and preservation of natural health by natural, unadulterated means and conditions such as the following: pure water, sunshine, exercise, clean air, cleanliness, a balanced alkaline diet, sleep, rest, relaxation, correct temperatures, poise, and a good mental and spiritual attitude.
These are the conditions required for Pristine Health and must be incoprorated into our daily lifestyle.
A good example would be helping people to healthfully lose weight by enrolling in one or more of our Acid Alkaline Diet Courses for Holistic Weight Loss.
Although the “conditions for health” listed above may sound simplistic, there is much to learn and many lifestyle attitudes and habits, and even addictions, to change.
Our Accredited Nutrition Course Programs
provide an Alkaline Diet Plan for optimum health.
Energy Enhancers!®
As a Vegan & Vegetarian College, we provide several vegan, vegetarian, raw food vegan and raw food vegetarian courses that are based on the “Acid Alkaline Diet” which are rich in alkaline forming foods. The Acid Alkaline Balance philosophy will promote optimum quality in human body tissue to help the health and fitness minded individual to attain the Ultimate Ability & Pinnacle of their Body’s Health, Power, Strength & Endurance. Our Acid Alkaline Balance course programs are accredited holistic nutrition courses.
Teaching Vegan & Vegetarian Lifestyles
Our Holistic Schools provide excellent Holistic knowledge & training in Holistic Natural Health, Healing & Nutrition related matters, which are inclusive of the human spirit, mind, and body that incorporates the principles referred to as “Natural Health and Hygiene.”
Our Natural Holistic Health & Healing Practices
The Natural Holistic Health and Healing Practices of our Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Doctors and Holistic Health & Healing Ministers (including Hygienic Doctors & HygioPhysicians® Practitioners) DO NOT:
- Diagnose Disease:
Our Holistic Health practitioners & Doctors analyze and evaluate the conditions, symptoms, and lifestyle habits. - Treat Disease:
Our Holistic Health practitioners & Doctors teach Natural Health principles and lifestyle habits that will remove the root, lifestyle causes of Toxemia and that will, therefore, restore health and prevent disease. - Prescribe Drugs:
Our Holistic Health practitioners & Doctors only secure and depend on naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients built into the plant structure of proper foods for human life that promote optimum health. - Employ Invasive Medical Procedures:
Our Holistic Health practitioners & Doctors only support medical intervention in a crisis to save a life, such as to revive a stopped heart, to perform surgery when a birth canal is not large enough, to remove diseased or defective tissues that are life-threatening, to use medication to relieve unbearable pain, and/or to employ other life-saving procedures not in the aforementioned.
All of the alternative health care systems such as Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Herbology, Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy, Colonic Therapy, Rebirthing Naturopathic Medicine, Chiropractic and Reflexology, Acupuncture and Acupressure, Magnetism, Urinology, Hydrotherapy, etc., that reflect our Natural and Christian Hygienic Health teachings are considered sound, invigorating, and beneficial. To the extent, however, that these various alternative health care procedures do not employ true Natural and Hygienic teachings, these alternative care procedures are false, enervating, and harmful.
Energy Robbers! Cut Your Losses® Conserve Your Reserves®
- Our Holistic and Natural Health Course Programs will help students and graduates on a personal level to develop a successful and prosperous Holistic Counseling Practice & Career.
- Continuous Business Counseling Assistance Will Be Available For All Qualified Graduates with a strong interest in successfully establishing a professional alternative holistic health and nutrition counseling practice as Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition / HygioPhysician Consultant , Coaches & Practitioners.